T-Shirt Quilt Galary - Fenton (St. Louis) Missouri- Softball* Baseball*Hockey*Soccer*Running*Biking*Volleyball

The T-Shirt Quilt Company                           
           T-Shirt Quilts
Browse our gallery for t-Shirt Quilt ideas and then visit us on FACEBOOK to read the stories behind our t-shirt quilts and see new products!


"I love my t-shirt quilt. So warm and cozy and a perfect way to save my memories!"
Ashley V. - Quilt from t Shirts of Missionary trips, School, and Vacations

"Thanks so much! You understood how hard I worked for those t-shirts and you put them together into a beautiful blanket!"
Sheila F. -T-Shirt Quilt of Road Races

"Wow - She cried when she opened it!"
Todd R.-T-Shirt Quilt of Team Shirts worn by their 3 boys (Mother's Day Gift)

"Hope all is well. Everyone loved the quilt at school. Can't wait to see her face when she gets it. I know it will be great!"
Lisa - Memory Blanket made from grade school t-shirts for retiring teacher.

"You got him! You really got him! I saw him cry!"
Rhonda - Memory Blanket made from the t-shirts of each player for retring little league baseball coach.

"I wanted to stop running at mile 20 of that marathon but I knew if I did that I would not be able to put the t-shirt from the race in the memory quilt I planned on having you make. The idea of a second quilt of my race shirts from you kept me going!"
Lynn - returning customer, memory blanket made from her race shirts

t-Shirt Quilt St. Louis (Fenton) Missouri
tshirt Quilt St. Louis (Fenton) Missouri
tee Shirt Quilt St. Louis (Fenton) Missouri
t-Shirt Quilts St. Louis (Fenton) Missouri
tshirt Quilts St. Louis (Fenton) Missouri
tee Shirt Quilts St. Louis (Fenton) Missouri
Memory Quilt
Memory Quilts
Memory Blanket